Cast of Characters:

Enkidu (AKA Slim)
Beowolf (AKA Wolfie)
Blaze (AKA Blaze)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Punishing white-collar offenders

While watching the news this evening, I saw a report about another white-collar criminal facing 16 years of prison time. That's got to be really expensive for the taxpayers. I think that instead of housing white-collar (i.e. non-physically dangerous) criminals in government facilities where they just sit there all day, they should be required to do their time in community service so as to be able to actually pay off their debt to society in a measureable way, rather than just soaking up tax-dollars.

I'm not just talking about once a week coaching a local youth basketball team. I'm talking about real work, like ditch diggers and garbagemen or strawberry pickers. They should do something that will provide an income for them to live in their brand new low-income housing project apartment. That's right; no cushy mansions or country clubs, being that they would still technically be incarcerated. They should have to live and work like the rest of us, except that any excess income that they might earn beyond food, clothing and shelter would go to the state, rather than into their bank accounts. Give them a stipend to let them know what it is like to be a low income indiviual working (a) dead-end job(s) so that they will appreciate the little people that their scams have hurt!

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