Cast of Characters:

Enkidu (AKA Slim)
Beowolf (AKA Wolfie)
Blaze (AKA Blaze)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Make Babies for America!

I got this per a comment posted by Kaji on

Make Babies! per John Gibson. (White babies, that is!)

Lord knows, we don't want that Hispanic minority to become the majority! Then they might think that they have rights or something! Oh my God!

Get off it people. People are people, regardless of the color of skin. Don't have babies if you don't want babies! We don't need any more unwanted children! If you want babies, by all means have babies, just make sure that you can care for them!

Just an FYI...part of the Nazi program included a very intense baby factory program to maintain and expand the Aryan Race. This made for a lot of single mothers and orphans after the war. (Yep, I went there comparing a possible America to the Nazis...this German degree has got to be useful for something, even if it's only for seeing disturbing historical parallels.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We did our part: we produced two "optimal babies". Incidentally, when I was pregnant for the second time, Dr. H. wouldn't prescribe Folic Acid because he felt a healthy diet would include it, anyway.

I think that if the CDC is serious about pre-natal health, then it should advocate for Universal Health Care (or is that sacriligious, even after the death of the Soviet Union?).