Cast of Characters:

Enkidu (AKA Slim)
Beowolf (AKA Wolfie)
Blaze (AKA Blaze)

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Lack of litter

Well, it would seem that I greatly miscalculated the amount of ferret litter that I was going to need for this trip. I have already run out on day 3. Oops. Unfortunately, it seems that not that many places carry the litter that I use. It is a newspaper mulch, that can be conveniently flushed down the toilet, called Pet's Preference. It's really nice to be able to flush it, since I live in an apartment and frequent trips to the dumpster are less than appealing. So, if you live in the same place that I'm visiting and have seen a similar litter/newspaper mulch somewhere, let me know! I called the company that makes the litter to find out who their local retailers are, but they don't have anyone based in this state. *grumbles*

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