Cast of Characters:

Enkidu (AKA Slim)
Beowolf (AKA Wolfie)
Blaze (AKA Blaze)

Monday, January 09, 2006

WPR Chapter a Day

Since there's nothing on daytime TV, at least without cable, I decided to listen to Wisconsin Public Radio while doing the dishes. (After an hour of doing dishes, there's a still lot left to do.) Wisconsin Public Radio has a segment called "Chapter a Day" in which a guy reads from a book for half an hour. This guy, Karl Schmidt, has a nice resonant voice...but GOOD GOD! Learn prosody! He reads like William Shatner. He has many unnatural breaks. You'd think that reading so much would help him develop this skill. It's really hard to appreciate a passage talking about the beauty of the Latin liturgy when the guy reading it is tripping over the words.

OK, just had to share.

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