Cast of Characters:

Enkidu (AKA Slim)
Beowolf (AKA Wolfie)
Blaze (AKA Blaze)

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Loki's Den

Since Loki Butt is such a butt and can't be trusted alone with Chaos, it occurred to me that I could just wall off the front hall for him to sleep in at night. That way, he's in a safe place, where he can't get into anything that could damage himself or anyone else. Since he's perfectly litter box trained, I don't have to worry about messes, which is more than I can say for the other two ferrets. I've been keeping him there overnight and when I exercise for the last few days.

Yesterday, I found him in the cage during play time. He was snuggled up with his lover. Oops! I'd forgotten to put his favorite toy in his den! Now he has it and most likely all is well.

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