Since Enkidu is finally comfortable enough here to want to play, I really had to get him a buddy. I've seen Enkidu trying to get Chaos to play, but Chaos is just too old/sick to be interested.
Loki is still a butt. I introduced Beowolf and Loki, and Loki attacked, so I separated them again.
Enkidu and Beowolf hit it off at the humane society, so I'm happy.
Beowolf seems kinda afraid of Chaos, but I think that might have more to do with Loki's previous attack than Chaos.
I took Loki to the vet this morning. He hasn't been very active lately, he had a sore on his belly at the base of where they cut him open for the surgery and his poo has been neither plentiful nor solid. The vet found that his blood sugar is low and that he is down from 3.25lbs to 2.9lbs. Now Loki will be on prednisolone and metronidazole just like Chaos.