Cast of Characters:

Enkidu (AKA Slim)
Beowolf (AKA Wolfie)
Blaze (AKA Blaze)

Sunday, November 12, 2006

The little Minion of Darkness

Chaos has been rather destructive today. This morning, he has already terrorized a cardboard box and the Olive Garden bag. Those have got to be among the cheapest ferret toys known to man.

I decided to snuggle into the oversuffed chair and make a phone call to a friend of mine. While we were talking, Chaos decided that he really needed to help organize my students' exams. I had three neat piles of exam components on the couch, plus a stack of more or less organized green folders. Well, Chaos apparently didn't approve of my organizational decisions. I could have gotten up and redirected him, but I just wanted to recline in the chair and not worry about it for a few minutes. Well, now most of it is on the floor.

When I finally did get up, I found that either I had left the top section of my backpack unzipped, or he had figured out how to open it. *grumbles*

He's a very inquisitive little boy. He's cute and fuzzy. If he weren't so cute and fuzzy, he'd have been gone long ago...Dammit...I love the little guy, despite (or maybe because of) his little escapades.

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