*crinkle, crinkle*
Yes, I cleaned out the ferret cage yesterday and did all of my laundry and theirs. After putting the cage back together, I put the kids inside and went off to take care of the evening bathroom things before going to bed. Apparently I neglected to lock one of the side-doors on the cage after replacing all the bedding. After rattling the front door for a while, Fuzzball must have found the side door open, dropped to the floor, ambled towards the light in the hallway, took a detour through a plastic bag, and then wandered up to the bathroom doorway.# Fortunately, she ambled over to the bathroom instead of going into my bedroom, where I might never have found her. I called her over to where I was sitting on the throne, giving her the hand signal that usually signifies "treat forthcoming". She came within reach and I scooped her up and dropped her in the empty bathtub until I was finished with what I was doing. She tried to get out, but the porcelain was just too slippery for her. I put her back to bed, double checked that all the cage doors were locked and then went to bed myself. Fuzzball, encouraged by her most recent success, shook the cage for a while, trying to replicate the results.
# I live alone, so the doors to the bedroom and bathroom are usually always open, except for when I shower, when I'd like to cut down on the draft.